Monday 6 February 2012

Food feeding for the poor tribles women.

Food feeding for the trible people.

Pastor raju distributing the prizes and rice for the needy people

Pastor raju conduting the childrens programs.

Pastor raju  helping the book and rice to the poor people.

Pastor going to trible areas with gospel team.

New soul adding in to the body of christ.

New baptized  believers

Pastor is leading praise and worship in city church.

Food feeding for the Street childrens

Friday 3 February 2012

Pastor Raju Sharing the word of god at mindi .

Pastor Raju leading the worship in the occation of x-mas time.

Pastor Raju with trible church believers.

Pastor Raju praying for the new souls.

Pastor Raju  baptized four new believers.

Pastor Raju conducted the marriege for the poor people.

Wednesday 25 May 2011

The Director sharing the WORD of GOD in remote village.

The Director sharing his testmony.

Gentials hearing the WORD of GOD. 

The Director with the out reach program Mark: 16:15.

Sharing love of christ in streets.

People are worshiping The LORD with truth and spirit along Director.

The Director sharing his vision and mission to local pastors.